Tonight's events are simply mind-boggling! Doggies around the world, listen up! There is a tree in the middle of my zoomie playground (the living room). And what's more... my humans PUT IT THERE!
Here's what happened. Big brother and sister-in-law came over and there was music on loud and everyone ate a lot - which is good for me because someone always sneaks me something (usually mom, hee hee). I got to taste a lot of things, but you can't tell the girl because I don't want her to know, so here it is in code: I got a bite of shrimp (mm yummy), a bite of a california roll (super yummy), some soft bread, and crackers!! Plus whatever crumbs I could find. Oh, and the girl even gave me dessert... read on!
Here's when it gets weird. A box was brought up... and suddenly a tree was being made... except it looked like a tree and it felt like a tree, but it didn't smell like a tree. Hmm. Isn't that curious?
And then everyone decorated it and sang stuff and the piano was played. And now every few seconds the tree gets all twinkly. I got to hang a fuzzy white ornament that looked exactly like a chunk of me!! It was so much fun! I love having a tree in my living room, even if it means a new zoomie route (I can work around it!!).
Then the humans ate MORE. And my girl let me sample her CUPCAKES!! She says that she made a super special one just for me without bad stuff in it. Yesssss.
My girl says that sometime soon, we will hang our stockings. She needs to get one for big sister-in-law because this is her first Christmas with our family. Don't tell the girl, but I already found my stocking. It has a paw on it so I know that it is for me!! She just needs to write my name on it all sparkly and then we'll be in business! Mmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about how many cupcakes you could stuff into a stocking...
Before big brother left, we played chase (I WON!) and then I got lots of pats. Happy Woofidays, everyone!!!!!!!
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