Honestly, I can't even believe the nerve of my girl sometimes!! First she ignored me all day long, making me nap when I wanted to play! She knows that I am partially toothless and TEETHING! I brought her a different toy several times and did she toss them? Play tug? No. NOTHING. So, fine, girl. I can take a hint!
Then a few hours later she packs me up in this... this vile little black bag. Granted there were holes everywhere (she says for ventilation, but I think so she can spy on me), but it was ANNOYING. I just stared at her evilly for a while. I'm really good at it. But eventually I got tired of that, so I went to sleep. We were in the car for about an hour, so I got a nice nap.

We arrived at an outdoor mall where dogs are allowed. We met brother and sister-in-law there, and I also met a chihuahaha (I was bigger!), a maltese (she was cute!), and a dalmation (he was mean!). I was able to run around then, but there were sooo many people and they all wanted to touch me! People in the stores thought I was really cute and my girl could barely even get five steps before being stopped. Someone at a store called Coach thought my girl should get a big pink bag to carry me around in. I suggested with use of my few teeth that she kindly inform them I'm a BOY. She got the message and let them know. Humans.
ANYWAY. We got home. I needed a plan of retaliation, and I needed one fast!! So when my girl was unsuspectingly munching on some mango in bed tonight... I made like 007 and stealthily stole a piece!!

Contemplating my strategy - turn, steal, run, eat -and my triumphant victory as I escape with the mango!
Ah, the aftermath. I enoyed my mango, but I wonder... was it really worth it? My girl says that the doggie police come for little dogs who steal mango pieces. I fear I will the life of a fugitive - constantly looking over his shoulder.